Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional
Surficial sediments were collected from 17 locations in the estuarine region of t...
Industrial timber plantations severely impact biodiversity in Southeast Asia. Fo...
Delta merupakan bagian dari ekosistem estuari, kondisinya dipengaruhi regim hidr...
Amorphophallus is perennial tuber crop and a member of the Araceae family. There...
Capsicum chinense is thoght to have been domesticated in the lowlands east of th...
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Prospects And Challenges Of REDD+ In Local Communities In Indonesia
Tropical forset in the world are facing eminent threats of deforestation and degradation. As they are the main carbon sinks, any land use change on the tropical forest will be likely to influence the global carbon cycle and the global climate. The REDD+ scheme that provides financial compensation for avoiding forest conversion and offers carbon benefits for sustainable forest management is known to be a promising mechanism, especially for tropical countries such as Indonesia, not only for the Goverment but also for the local communities whom play an important practical role in what concerns sustainable forestry. Constitutional ruling recently recognized customary forest as legal subjects which are not part of the state forest, thus the principle of free prior informed consent is applied. Some possible prospects and challenges to the REDD+ implementation concerning local people will emerge. Therefore, the utilization of natural resources as a source for development funding needs to be done wisely. Proceedings of the 4th International DAAD Workshop: the Ecological and Economic Challenges of Managing Forested Landscapes in a Global Context. Cuvillier Verlag Gottingen. Pages: 265-275