Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional
Tropical forset in the world are facing eminent threats of deforestation and deg...
Recently, Acacia crassicarpa has been planted in peatland areas with acidic soil...
Indonesia has seven species of cockatoo birds and all are listed in the CITES Ap...
Surficial sediments were collected from 17 locations in the estuarine region of t...
The understory birds’ communities in peat swamp forest of Giam Siak-Bukit Batu B...
INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.
Roles Of Fragmented And Logged Forests For Bird Communities In Industrial Acacia Mangium Plantations In Indonesia
Industrial timber plantations severely impact biodiversity in Southeast Asia. Forest fragments survive within plantations, but their conservation value in highly deforested landscapes in Southeast Asia is poorly understood. In this study, we compared bird assemblages in acacia plantations and fragmented forests in South Sumatra to evaluate each habitat’s potential conservation value. To clarify the impact of habitat change, we also analyzed the response of feeding guild composition. Five habitat types were studied: large logged forest (LLF), burnt logged forest (BLF), remnant logged forest (RLF), 4-year-old acacia plantation (AP4), and 1-year-old acacia plantation (AP1). Estimated species richness (Chao 2) was highest in LLF then AP4 and BLF, while AP1 and RLF had lower estimated species richness. Community composition was roughly divided into two groups by non-metric multidimensional scaling ordination: acacia plantation and logged forest. Sallying substrate-gleaning insectivores, such as drongos, broadbills, and some flycatchers, were restricted to LLF, whereas acacia plantation hosted many terrestrial frugivores, such as doves. Although fragmented forests in our study site lacked several common tropical forest species, these fragments provide an important habitat for some sallying and terrestrial insectivores. A network of small riparian remnant forests could be a complementary habitat for some species, while the conservation value of burnt forest might be low. In conclusion, the highly fragmented forests in plantations are suboptimal habitats for birds but are still very important, because large primary forest blocks have been nearly lost in the surrounding landscape. Ecological Research, 2014