Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional
The province of North Sulawesi, Indonesia, located at 0ᴼ30\"-4ᴼ3\", North Latitu...
Seagrass beds are found along the shore of Tanjung Merah (North Sulawesi, Indone...
Providing accurate information on suitable multispectral satellite sensors for m...
The study was conducted at five sites in June 1993. The abundance of coral reef ...
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Seagrass-Coral Reef Connectivity: A Case Study on Reef Fishes Migration in North Sulawesi, Indonesia
Seagrass beds and coral reefs are important coastal ecosystems for fish fauna in the tropic. They can be functioned as a nursery and feeding ground, permanent habitat and shelters for fish species. The species diversity and abundance of fish are usually greater in seagrass beds than those in unvegetated habitats. However, many studies revealed that only few fish species inhabit in seagrass beds, while most of them are resident only during juvenile stage or migration from surrounding ecosystems (mangrove, coral reefs, estuarine or pelagic system) for feeding and /or shelter. So far, only few studies in the tropic explain clearly the role of seagrasses in fish productivity of their neighbourhood ecosystems. This research aims to understand the relationship of fish assemblages between seagrass beds and coral reefs in term of their ecological functions. Several techniques were applied to provide good information on fish migration between seagrass and coral reef including beachseine, gillnet, and visual sensus. The results show that 3 reef species, such as Cheilinus trilobatus, Scarus niger and Sargocentrum cornutum usually migrate between 03:00 – 18:00 hours for feeding. The results could be relevant for management of coral reef and its associated ecosystems, especially seagrass beds. The 11th International Coral Reef Symposium in Florida, USA, July 2008