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Dataset Serupa
Seagrass-Coral Reef Connectivity: A Case Study on Reef Fishes Migration in North...

Seagrass beds and coral reefs are important coastal ecosystems for fish fauna in...

Fish Species Composition in Seagrass Beds of Tanjung Merah (North Sulawesi), Ind...

Seagrass beds are found along the shore of Tanjung Merah (North Sulawesi, Indone...

Effort Allocation of Anchored Fish Aggregation Devices (FADs)Based Fisheries in ...

Anchored fish aggregation devices (FADs) have been used by Indonesianfishers sin...

Seagrass Fishes of Coastal Area of the Lembeh strait, Bitung, North Sulawesi and...

The study of fishes found at seagrass beds in North Sulawesi has been carried ou...

Habitat Characteristics of Lake Towuti, South Sulawesi, Indonesia-The Home of En...

The aim of this study was to examine the habitat characteristic features of Lake...

INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.

Common Reef Fishes of North Sulawesi, Indonesia


The province of North Sulawesi, Indonesia, located at 0ᴼ30\"-4ᴼ3\", North Latitude and 121ᴼ127\" East Longitude, is near the centre of CTI.Nine sites in Lembeh Strait and eleven site in Likupang and Bunaken were investigated using Underwater Visual Census, but coverage was limited to shallow reef fishes that are wholly or mainly confined to coral reefs of less than about 30 m depth. 325 reef-associated fish species were recorded from North Sulaawesi, of Which 176 were photographed, belonging to 9 order and 39 families. Most of the fishes (146 species) belong to the Perciformes. The Pomacentridae predominan (38 species), follwed by the Labridae (25 species), the Chaetodontidae (18 species), the Apogonidae and Serranidae (7 species) and the Pomacanthidae and Acanthuridae (6 species). There are 176 species in this guide, ranging in length from 1.7 to 130 cm; 153 of them are harmless, while other 22 fish species are either venomous or poisonous. Common Reef Fishes of North Sulawesi, Indonesia. Beijing, P R. China: Science Presss 2016. P: 183

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