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Kabupaten Nias Selatan

Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional

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Dataset Serupa
Characteristics and genesis of Rare Earth Element (REE) in western Indonesia

Rare Earth Element (REE) has unique properties that have been used in many hight...

The Synthesis of Calcium Salt from Brine Water by Partial Evaporation and Chemic...

In this study would be investigated the effects of partial evaporation and chemi...

Iron Oxides, Divalent Cations, Silica, and The Early Earth Phosphorus Crisis

As a nutrient required for growth, phosphorus regulates the activity of life in ...

Microstructural Observation of The ’ Precipitation and Growth in Ta Containing ...

Superalloy of IN 718- the Ni-Cr-Fe based superalloys with Nb as one of the main ...

Spread of Invasive Grass in Indonesia: with Comparison to Other Institutions and...

Invasive grnss with dominant presence in ecosystem is often a neglected flora co...

INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.

Separation of Ce, La and Nd in Rare Earth Hydroxide (REOH) by Oxidation with Potassium Permanganate and Precipitation


The present work describes the development of an efficient and relatively simple process to obtain high grade Ce(OH)4 from REOH (Rare earth hydroxide). The Rare earth hydroxide was obtained through base digestion of monazite. The steps investigated in the process for obtaining Ce(OH)4 were: (i) i) dissolution RE hydroxide (REOH) with HNO3 and oxidation of ce+3 to ce-4 , (ii) selective precipitation of Ce(OH)4 with Na2CO3, (i i i) selective precipitation of Nd(OH)3 with ammonium hydroxide (iv} precipitation of La with oxalic acid. The main variables affecting the cerium oxidation were: the ratio of the K MnO4 /REOH, temperature and oxidation time. A ratio of 1 .25110 of KMnO4 I R EOH was necessary for full cerium recovery. The recovery of cerium increases as temperature and oxidation time rises, the purity of the product Ce(OH)4 at the pH above 4. The process conditions were achieved in the use of 1.25/ I 0, KMnO4/REOH ratio, at the 1 20°C and the oxidation time of 75 minutes. The composition of the final product Ce(OH)4 was 97.98 wt.% Ce(OH)4, i n a process yielding a recovery of Ce greater than 93%, were obtained. The composition of the final product Nd(OH)3 was 37 wt.% Nd(OH)3, in a process yielding a recovery of Nd greater than 98%, were obtained. The composit ion of the final prod uct La2(C2O4)3 was 90 wt.% La2(C2O4)3, in a process yielding a recovery of La greater than 93%. were obtained. The oxidation of Ce3+ to Ce4 ' using KMnO4 follows first order reaction. The value of reaction rate constant of Ce was 0.0291 minutes.

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