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Kabupaten Nias Selatan

Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional

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Dead Shrimp Blues: A Global Assessment of Extinction Risk in Freshwater Shrimps ...

We present the first global assessment of extinction risk for a major group of f...

Pengembangan Udang Alam Macrobrachium sintangense Asal Jawa Timur pada Kondisi T...

Udang Sintang (Macrobrachium sintangense) merupakan salah satu udang dari genus ...

Macrobrachium empulipke, a new freshwater prawn species (Decapoda, Palaemonidae)...

Macrobrachium empulipke sp. nov., a palaemonid freshwater prawn, is described fr...

Pola Pertumbuhan Macrobrachium sintangense pada Pemberian Pakan yang Diperkaya d...

Penelitian mengenai pengembangan udang regang Macrobrachium sintangense dilakuka...

Hibridisasi Antarstrain Udang Air Tawar Asli Indonesia (Macrobrachium sintangens...

Udang regang (Macrobrachium sintangense) merupakan udang air tawar asli Indonesi...

INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.

Suitable Environment for Freshwater Shrimp Macrobrachium sintangense


Macrobrachium sintangense is a species belong to the genus Macrobrachium. This shrimp is not only native to Indonesia, but also widely distributed in Sunda shelf (Java, Sumatra, Borneo, Peninsular Malaysia, Thailand up to Vietnam). The shrimp has economic value as one of protein resources for local people, and ecological function in its ecosystem as a part of the food chain. Recently the population of the speciesis decreasing, while the biological information of the shrimp is still poor. Therefore, the biological study of this species especially on its habitat preferences was conducted. The research was conducted from 2012 to 2014. The observation was held in ponds, situ (small-sized lake), and rivers in Java (east, central, and west provinces), Sumatra (Lampung province), and Kalimantan (Sintang Regency), and in laboratory. Macrobrachium sintangense prefers slow current, shallow water, sheltered banks, good riparian, submerged plant, sandy mud substrate with some detritus, and low temperature. This species does not like open water, high temperature, strong current, deep and polluted water. Proceedings International Conference on Ecohydrology (ICE). Yogyakarta, 10-12 November 2014. Hal. 348-353 ISBN 978-979-8163-22-7

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