Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional
DAS Lukulo Hulu merupakan salah satu DAS yang berada di Propinsi Jawa Tengah yan...
Studi bentuklahan merupakan studi yang menitikberatkan pada bentuklahan penyusun...
Telah dilakukan penelitian Penentuan Lokasi Tempat Pembuangan Akhir (TPA) untuk ...
DAS Lukulo Hulu adalah DAS yang berada di Jawa Tengah dengan koordinat 340.000 –...
Data DEM yang dikoreksi dengan pengukuran elevasi di lapangan dapat digunakan se...
INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.
Teknik Penginderaan Jauh dan Sistem Informasi Geografis untuk Identifikasi Potensi Kekeringan
Lukulo Upstream Watershed is watershed which located in Central Java with coordinate 340.000 - 365.000 mT and 916.0000 - 917.5000 mU. Human activities which still immeasurable influence the watershed condition, its exploitation of natural resouces (rocks, sand). In Lukulo Upstream Watershed there are seven sub watershed they are Lukulo sub watershed, Lokidang sub watershed, Maetan watershed, Gebang watershed, Loning watershed, Mondo watershed, and Cacaban watershed. Calculation using GIS (Geographic Information System) for deliberated erosivity index formula found that Lokidang watershed is first priority of watershed criticaly, value the deliberated erosivity index equal to 1082,62 broadly 3602,705 hectare. While from viewpoint land cover (vegetation) with remote sensing method transformation using NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) Gebang watershed, Cacaban watershed, and Lukulo watershed is watershed which is very easy of damage (erosion) because the land surfaces which do not closed with vegetatation so erosion is easy. Jurnal Makara Seri Teknologi. Universitas Indonesia. ISSN 1693-6698, Vol. 14 No. 2 November 2010, Hal. 97-105. Terakreditasi Dikti No.110/DIKTI/Kep./2009