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Kabupaten Nias Selatan

Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional

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Dataset Serupa
The Effect of Pretreatments on the Dissolutions of Impurities from Cassiterite-I...

The purpose of research was to purify and to investigate the effects of pretreat...

Characterization and Dissolution of Cassiterite-Indonesia Mineral in Various Con...

The research purpose was to characterize and determine the effect of hydrochlori...

Impacts Of Anthropogenic Pressures On The Contemporary Biogeography Of Threatene...

The Greater Sunda region of South-east Asia supports a rich diversity of economi...

Investigation of ITS-90 Inconsistencies in Overlap Region of the Water-indium, W...

One of the significant uncertainties in Standard Platinum Resistance Thermometer...

Species And Functional Diversity Of Rhizobacteria Of Rice Plant In The Coastal S...

Rhizobacteria are important components of soil and directlyor indirectly influen...

INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.

The Investigation of Lithium Mineral in Indonesia


Technology development especially technology of information and automotive has developed rapidly in the world. That technology development causing the material needs that has special characteristic such as lithium increases. Lithium has an important part in our life like the making of lithium battery in electronic equipment, but development of lithium research in Indonesia still low. It caused by getting lithium resources and doing lithium analysis very difficult. Until now, lithium in this world is obtained from brine water and spodumene ore. Seeing the importance of lithium, on this paper will be explained about Indonesia potency as a source of lithium raw materials compared with other countries. AIP Conference Proceeding of ICST, 11-12 November 2015.

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