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Kabupaten Nias Selatan

Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional

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Dataset Serupa
The Influence of Sn addition on the microstructure and mechanical properties of ...

Titanium alloys are very interesting for biomedical applications due to excellen...

The Effect of Dhiethylene Glycol Dibenzoate and Triacetine to The Thermal Proper...

This research aims to study the effect of the addition of Diethylene glycol dibe...

The Substitution Effects of Oil Palm Shell Charcoal, Coconut Fiber and Oil Palm ...

Research on development of composite for railway brake blocks with natural resou...

The Effect of Powder Particle Size on the Structural and Magnetic Properties of ...

Abstract. Commercially, NdFeB powder (type MQP-B+) with difference in particle s...

Effect of Heat Treatment on the Properties of Mg-Ca-Zn Alloy Prepared by Powder ...

Mg-Ca-Zn alloy is one of Mg alloy that has been investigated for its potential i...

INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.

The Properties of Mortar for Train Carriage Floor by Effect of Aggregate Types and Composition


The use of oil palm fruit shells, autoclaved aerated concrete flakes, and perlite as aggregates then PVAc as plasticizer in the manufacturing of mortar for train carriage floor were investigated. The objective of this research is to determine the physical and mechanical properties of mortar based on effect of aggregate types and aggregate composition. Mortar was made with weight ratio aggregate : cement : PVAc = 1:1:2 and 1:3:4. Liguid of PVAc were made from weight ratio of PVAc : water == 1:1. Mortar was obtained by mixing cement with aggregate then mixed with PVAc liquid and stir untill evenly mixed. The admixture was putted on 25 mm x 25 mm x 300 mm of mold. After 24 hours, mortar was removed from the mold then further soaked in water for 28 days. Furthermore mortar was physically (moisture content, density), morphologically, and mechanically tested. Mechanical testing was used Universal Testing Machine (UTM) and refers to the ASTM C293-94 standard for flexural strength and ASTM C116-90 for compressive strength. Mortar density was calculated to know the relation within their srength. Proceeding of the 5th International Conference and Exhibition on Palm Oil (ICEPO)

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