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A Review of pearl oyster (Pinctada maxima) culture in general

Pearl oyster culture is unique because the product is gem not flesh and one of t...

An overview of the impact of aquaculture on the environment and some its alterna...

Aquaculture refers to the farming of aquatic organism that have important role i...

Phytoplankton Composition and Its Relation to Pearl Oyster Aquaculture (Pinctada...

Pearl oyster aquaculture is one of the marine industries that is currently growi...

Management culture of the redclaw Cherax quadricarinatus

In North Queensland Australia, good management culture practices were applied. T...

Sources of Uncertainty in Mapping Temperate Mangroves and Their Minimization usi...

Estimates of temperate mangrove forest cover are required for management of estu...

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An Overview Of The Method, Management, Problem And Their Solution iN The Pearl Oyster (Pinctada margaritifera) Culture


Pearl culture operations can be divided into three categories which are collection/hatchery production, ongrowing and pearl culture. For the hatchery, the pearl oyster industry relies on spat collection at natural production atolls where spat is abundant during the warm season and also from broodstock in the laboratory condition. After that, hatchery grown juveniles are put into the sea on the material which they settle upon. The spat are left to grow for 2 years till an average size of 90 mm. Pearl culture involves the implantation of a spherical nucleus together with a piece of mantle tissue (Saibo) from a sacrificial oyster, into the gonads. Although pearl culture is extensive with little control over weather, the use of good management methods can drastically increase productivity and result in higher profitability. Therefore, management of culture system such as site selection, settlement, feeding, stocking density and pearl culture technique is essential. For example, site selection is the most critical factor affecting pearl oyster productivity and spat collection, as the oysters spend most of their growing time exposed to water elements. Site selection must take into account important water quality parameters like temperature, salinity and turbidity. Moreover, it was identified several problems in pearl oyster culture including predation, disease and biofouling. Journal of Coastal Development. Vol 14. No.3:181-190

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