Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional
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Assessing the potential of Ochrobactrum sp.S79 L7T03 isolate for environmental remediation and as supporting agents of organic biofertilizer
Assessing the potential of Ochrobactrum sp.S79 L7T03 isolate for environmental remediation and as supporting agents of organic biofertilizer. Pros Sem Nas Masy Biodiv Indon 1 (2): 265-269. Environmental crisis in Indonesia is getting worse, that alternative efforts, for example the use of microbes, are needed to solve the problems. This study aimed to examine the potential of isolate L7T03 for remediation of organic fertilizer-polluted environment.Isolation of L7T03 resistant was done using plate count method with the addition of heavy metals, while the resistance was qualitatively examined using the blank disk method. Identification of isolate L7T03 was based on 16S rDNA. The IAA measurement was based on colorimetry and HPLC. The identification test showed that the isolate L7T03 was identified as Ochrobactrum spS79, with 99 persen conformity on the 16S rDNA marker. The Ochrobactrum spS79 isolate L7T03 is a potential agent for remediation because it shows resistance to various heavy metals including mercury (HgCl2) until 70 ppm, Copper (Pb) 1000 ppm, Zinc (Zn) 2000 ppm, Cobalt (Co), Cr (chrom) 2000 ppm, Cu (Cuprum) 2000 ppm. In addition, the isolate can also grow on medium contaminated with 50-100 ppm ofpesticides (carbaryl). The isolate also produces IAA (Indole Acetic Acid) up to 19.335 ppm and 3.22 ppm, with tryptophan and without tryptophan, respectively. The results suggests that the bacteria is beneficial for environmental remediation and to support the organic fertilizer Beyonic-LIPI StarTmik series Pros Sem Nas Masy Biodiv Indon Volume 1, Nomor 2, April 2015 Halaman: 265-269