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Kabupaten Nias Selatan

Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional

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Dataset Serupa
Utilization of Micro Sisal Fibers as Reinforcement Agent and Polypropylene or Po...

Sisal (Agave sisalana) as a perennial tropical plant grows abundantly in Indones...

Assessing the potential of Ochrobactrum sp.S79 L7T03 isolate for environmental r...

Assessing the potential of Ochrobactrum sp.S79 L7T03 isolate for environmental r...

The Utilization Of Kecondang (T. Leontopetaloides) In Karimunjawa Island As Alte...

Research about the utilization of kecondang (T. leontopetaloides) in Karimujawa ...

Utilization of Sweet Sorghum Bagasse and Citric Acid in the Manufacturing of Par...

Sweet sorghum bagasse (SSB) and citric acid (CA) were used as sustainable raw ma...

The importance of the Banda Sea for tuna fisheries : A review of studies on the ...

Tuna exploitation in the Banda Sea has been started when Indonesia government ga...

INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.

The Utilization of Citric Acid as an Environmentally Friendly of Chemical Modification Agent of the Lignocellulosic Materials: a Review


The environmental issues demand the development of environmentally friendly chemical substances for the modification of lignocellulosic materials. Citric acid is known as a non-toxic chemical substance that obtained from the natural resources such as citrus fruits. Commonly, citric acid is used in the preparation of many industrial products. Nowadays, citric acid as a polycarboxylic acid is the promising alternative raw material to replace the harmful synthetic chemical agents in many applications with lignocellulose material such as cotton fabric production, wood preservation, an adhesive of wood-based products, starch films, super absorbent. Reactivity of carboxylic groups of citric acid and hydroxyl groups of lignocellulose materials leads to improve the properties of products from lignocellulose materials. Journal of Lignocellulose Technology, Vol. 02. Hal. 1-7

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