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Dataset Serupa
Contrasting Patterns of Growth and Migration of Tropical Anguillid Leptocephali ...

In order to improve understanding of the larval migration and early life history...

Zooplankton Spatial Distribution and Community Structure in Banggai Sea

Banggai Sea is an interesting ecosystem due to mixing influences from Banda Sea ...

Variability of Sea Surface Temperature and Sea Surface Salinity in the Ambon Bay...

Sea Surface Temperature (SST) and Sea Surface Salinity (SSS) are the most import...

Spread of Invasive Grass in Indonesia: with Comparison to Other Institutions and...

Invasive grnss with dominant presence in ecosystem is often a neglected flora co...

Prospects And Challenges Of REDD+ In Local Communities In Indonesia

Tropical forset in the world are facing eminent threats of deforestation and deg...

INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.

Daily Migration and Contribution of Calanoida Zooplankton to Scattering Volume in Banda Sea, Indonesia


The study aims to analyze daily migration of zooplankton in Banda Sea and contribution of Calanoida to scattering volume. Applied method is exloratory description through direct survey toward zooplankton by using Bauna jaya VII vessel as floating platform. The findings show that daily migration of zooplankton in surface layer occurs in every observation period, average value of scattering volume in startified depth of 0-25 meters is -84.19 dB.For stratified depth of 25-50 meters, scattering volume reaches -81.81 dB. At 00:00-03:00, zooplankton is concentrated densely at three water layers by SV value of -84.25, -81.88, and -83.90 dB. Zooplankton aggregation is always almost at surface layer of 0-25 meter at every observation time. Allegedly, oceanographic factor with high concentration value of chlorophyll a are the reason. Concentration value of chlorophyll a in this depth may reach 2.1 mg/m3. Journal of Environment and Ecology, 2014, Volume 5 No 1, 103-116

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