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Dataset Serupa
Intensitas Cahaya Lampu Pijar Terhadap Perkembangan Embriogenesis Dan Kelangsung...

Salah satu faktor penting yang menentukan keberhasilan usaha budidaya kerang mut...

Hubungan antara Variasi Musiman dan Kedalaman terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Kelangsun...

Usaha budidaya kerang mutiara (P. maxima) di perairan Teluk Kapontori, Pulau But...

Studi perubahan kondisi suhu secara ekstrim dan pengaruhnya terhadap kelangsunga...

Effort on the culture of pearl oysters, Pinctada maxima were increasing to meet ...

Studi Kajian Pertumbuhan Fitoplankton, Pavlova Lutheri Dalam Mendukung Pakan Lar...

Salah satu kendala yang sering dihadapi oleh para pengembang budidaya kerang mut...

Kelangsungan Hidup Dan Pertumbuhan Larva Teripang Pasir Holothuria scabra Pada S...

Teripang pasir Holothuria scabra merupakan jenis teripang yang mempunyai nilai e...

INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.

Daya Penempelan Larva Kerang Mutiara (Pinctada Maxima) Pada Kolektor Dengan Posisi Tebar Dan Kedalaman Berbeda


One of the success factor in the cultivation of pearl oysters (Pinctada maxima) within laboratory scale of is the ability of the larvae to settle on the collector. Stocking collectors which are not on time with an irregular position could cause a decline in seed production. The research was conducted from 25 July to 27August 2011 at Laboratory of Marine Bio-industry Technical Implementatation Unit, Research Centre for Oceanography, Indonesian Institute of Sciences, Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB). The aim of the study was to observe the attachment of larvae at different position and depth. Analysis of variance showed that larvae settlement was influenced by depth instead of position and the interaction between them. Real Honest Different Test showed that in the 20 cm depth was significantly different from 60 cm and 100 cm in number of larvae attached on the collector. The highest survival rate was in 20 cm depth with 68,98% (516 larvae) while in 60 cm was 17,11% (128 larvae) and 100 cm (9,22% (69 larvae), and the others were attached on the wall of the tank 4,68% (35 larvae). Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Kelautan Tropis, Vol. 5, No. 1 Juni 2013. Hlm: 60-68.

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