Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional
Ambon Bay has a unique characterictic with its semi enclosed water inner bay. Th...
In Ambon Bay waters, there are two abundance scads’ species, Decapterus russelli...
Dinamika fitoplankton sangat dipengaruhi oleh karakteristik biologi spesies itu ...
Pengukuran 8 parameter morfometrik dilakukan terhadap 245 ekor ikan kawalinya (S...
Teluk Ambon mempunyai topografi yang menarik karena antara teluk bagian dalam da...
INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.
Dinamika Populasi Dua Jenis Ikan Layang (Decapterus Russelli dan D. Macrosoma) di Teluk Ambon
Population dynamic of scads (Decapterus russelliand D. macrosoma) in Ambon Bay. Tho species of scads were studied to understand their growth parameters, mortality rates and recruitment patterns. This study was conducted in Ambon Bay from August 1989 to 1991. A number of D. russelli collected during this study was 934 with total length ranging 9.00-27.50 cm, and D. macrosoma was 898 with total length ranging 7.70-26.20. The growth parameters (L∞, K and t0) found using the ELEFAN program analysis for D. russelli were 29 cm, 0.73 and -0.2222/year, and for D. macrosoma were 35 cm, 0.68 and -0.1021/year. Mortality rates (Z, M and F) for D. russelli were 2.71, 1.44 and 1.70, and for D. macrosoma were 4.86, 1.31, and 3.94. Exploitation rates were 63.73 persen for D russeli and 81.07 persen for D. macrosoma. Recruitment patterns for both species were showed the same situation, but they occurred in the different patterns periods. D. russelli had a peak of recruitment in September-October and Desember-January, while D. macrosoma had it in July-August and November-December. Torani Vol. 1 No. 6 Januari-Maret 1996. P: 31 - 46