Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional
Population dynamic of scads (Decapterus russelliand D. macrosoma) in Ambon Bay. ...
Fishery resources in Ambon Bay have been well exploited by local people, however...
Ambon Bay coastal region has the potential of fisheries resources and some of ma...
Beberapa data dan informasi tentang sumberdaya perikanan ikan karang di perairan...
Nudibranch is one type of marine life that is interesting and has the most beaut...
INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.
Aspek Biologi dan Eksploitasi Sumberdaya Perikanan Ikan Layang (Decapterus russelli dan D. macrosoma) di Teluk Ambon
In Ambon Bay waters, there are two abundance scads’ species, Decapterus russelli and D. macrosoma. Both scads are caught by using purse seine or lift net which operated in Ambon outer Bay. These fish are usually sold as a fresh and bait-fish for tuna fishery or are used as a raw material in the canning fishery industry. From the length frequency data, scads in Ambon Bay were caught between 6.00 and 27.50 cm, whereas its exploitation rates were estimated more than 50 persen. The tendency of many immature scads caught is shown in the graph of length frequency distribution. The relationship between some biological aspects and fisheries is discussed to sustainable development in its fishery resource. Prosiding seminar RIPTEK BPPT