Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional
Buku panduan pengenalan jenis hiu ini diterbitkan dengan tujuan untuk memudahkan...
Di Indonesia kekayaan Ixora belum banyak dikenal oleh masyarakat luas. Baru seba...
Biji merupakan bagian penting dari suatu jenis tanaman sebagai reproduksi. Diper...
The effect of global warming has threatened plant life minimize this effect, the...
Ethnobotany study the species of Pandanaceae as food in parts of Indonesia is ba...
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Jenis-Jenis Biawak Indonesia Dan Studi Tentang Keanekaragamannya
The diversity of monitor lizards in Indonesia is relatively high. About 40 persen of all recognised species of monitor lizards in the world are distributed in Indonesia. Of all species distributed in Indonesia, 60 persen are endemics and can be found in Eastern Indonesia, namely the islands east of Wallace’s Line. Indonesia’s geographic setting across the Equator and the fact that three biogeographic regions lie in this country are among the possible influences to the high diversity in monitor lizard species. Additionally, higher endemism and speciations that are triggered by geographic isolation in the east of Wallace’s Line seem to contribute to the current state of diversity. The level of endemism in this region is thought to be interlinked with the complex geological evolution. Afterall, molecular studies on the diversity of Indonesian monitor lizards are of importance, given their conservation status and utilisation. Fauna Indonesia Vol. 13 No. 1. 2014. P: 1-7