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Dataset Serupa
Pengenalan Jenis-jenis Hiu di Indonesia

Buku panduan pengenalan jenis hiu ini diterbitkan dengan tujuan untuk memudahkan...

Domestikasi jenis-jenis tumbuhan buah dari marga Baccaurea

Marga Baccaurea (suku Phyllanthaceae) mempunyai kurang lebih 80 jenis yang terse...

Peranan Puslit Biologi Dalam Pengembangan Produksi Jamur Pangan Di Indonesia

Indonesia merupakan negara dengan kekayaaan sumber daya hayati melimpah yang ber...

Jenis-Jenis Biawak Indonesia Dan Studi Tentang Keanekaragamannya

The diversity of monitor lizards in Indonesia is relatively high. About 40 perse...

Perkecambahan biji beberapa jenis tumbuhan berpotensi

The knowledge of seed germination of potential species is important to used and ...

INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.

Peranan Ecopark pengembangan dan pelestarian jenis-jenis tumbuhan berpotensi di Indonesia


The effect of global warming has threatened plant life minimize this effect, the sustainability of plants has to be. The occurence of conservation sites, especially in urban area, is utterly required. Maintained Ecology Park, is an open green area located in Cibinong Science Centre that is surrounding by industrial estates with high population density. The Ecology Park corporate-image is always improved especially in conservation ex situ actions. The existence of the Ecology Park expects to enhance the quality of Cibinong City environment and becoming a centre of knowledge. About 235 potential collection of plant species from 60 genera in Ecology Park plants have been studied. There are 20 kinds usefulness of its collection are found. The Ecology Park is seeking to improve growth of its collection in order to achieve sustainability. Prosiding Konservasi Flora Indonesia dalam Mengatasi Dampak Pemanasan Global. Bali, 14 Juli 2009. Kebun Raya Eka Karya Bali. hal. 344-352

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