Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional
Vatica bantamensis (Hassk.) Benth. & Hook. ex Miq. merupakan tumbuhan endemik Uj...
There are three species of pulai in Ujung Kulon National Park (TNUK), black pula...
There are three species of pulai in Ujung Kulon National Park (TNUK), black pula...
Diospyros macrophylla Blume is threatened species with category is vulnerable (V...
Intsia bijuga (Colebr.) O. Kuntze is a species of conservation importance since ...
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Kapulaga (Amomum compactum Sol. ex Maton): Manfaat dan Sebarannya di Gunung Honje, Taman Nasional Ujung Kulon
Cardamom (Kapulaga) is known as a spice for cooking and herbalmixtures. Information on the Cardamom and Zingiberaceae in Ujung Kulon National Park especially around Mount Honje has not been published yet . As the plants of high economic value, this data is necessary not only for business people but also for educational, research, and conservation. Research has been done by the method of exploration, direct observation, and interviews. Six plant species of the Family of Zingiberaceae commonly used that grows and can be found isAmomum compactum (Kapulaga), A. maximum Roxb. (Hangasa), Curcuma domestica (Kunyit), Alpinia malaccensis (Laja Goah), Zingiber zerumbet (Lempuyang), and Curcuma javanica (Koneng Gede). Among these Zingiberaceae, Cardamom was found as the most dominant population and spread widely enough in the area around Mount Honje. Not surprisingly, Cardamom is called the native and endemic plants in the hills in western Java. Cardamom fruits plus eucalyptus oil used by communities around the Mount Honje to mix chewing and smeared into children\'s bodies for warmth. Other common uses of Cardamom seeds are used as medicines and spices, such as cough, itchy throat, abdominal pain, bloating, prevent bone loss, bad breath, flavorings and fragrances. Entire parts of plants used as medicine flatulensi, colic, and liniment for rheumatism. Root tuber is used as a fever medicine. Cardamom volatile oil contains e.g. α-terpineol, 1.8-cineol, myrcene, limonene, and borneol. Prosiding Seminar Nasional “Konservasi Tumbuhan Tropika: Kondisi Terkini & Tantangan ke Depan. Kebun Raya Cibodas, 7 April 2011: 96-100.