Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional
Uji toksisitas pada ekstrak air pegagan (Centella asiatica Linn) telah dilakukan...
Indonesia memiliki keanekaragaman hayati yang tinggi baik hewan, tumbuhan, maupu...
Prosiding hasil Seminar Nasional MPC
Magnet adalah suatu material yang memiliki medan magnet. Medan magnet ini kasat ...
INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.
Kelainan Perkembangan dan Kematian Otak Mencit (Mus musculus) Akibat Induksi 2-Methoksi Etanol Pada Masa Awal Organogenesis
2-Methoxyethanol (2-ME) has been widely used in industry. This compound is known to have a toxic effects, causing some fetus abnormalities and increase free radicals in the organism. The purpose of this research are to observe the effects of 2-ME to (1) cells death both nerve and blood cells in fetus brain, (2) abnormal development in fetus brain especially in cerebrum, and (3) the decrease of brain weight and body weight of mice fetuses. The treatment mice were injected with 2-ME at dose 12.5 mmol/kg body weight on gestational day 10 (G10) intraperitoneally, while control mice were injected with aquadest. To observe the acute effects of 2-ME, mice were killed on G12, while on the observation of teratogenicity of 2-ME mice were killed on G18 and 0 day after birth. Fetuses brain were collected and fixated on paraformaldehyd (PFA) 4 persen then were observed histologically. The average percentage of cells dead which analyzed with Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test on dan 945; 0.05 showed that there was significantly different between group treatment and their control. And the average of brain weight and body weight of the fetuses which analyzed with T-Test on dan 945; 0.05 also shown significantly different between group treatment and their control. The descriptive analysis about the effects of 2-ME on developmental of brain showed that on G18 this compound was caused dilatation of lateral ventricles. The conclusion of this research proved that 2-ME injected on G10 were caused the death of nerve cells and blood cells, ventricles lateral dilatation as indication of abnormal development in brain. Widya Riset Vol. 9 No. 3