Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional
Jarak pagar (Jatropha curcas L.) is a tropical plant which has potential to be d...
Baccaurea dulcis atau pohon "menteng besar" merupakan penghasil buah yang endemi...
Suweg (Amorphophallus paeoniifolius (Dennst.) Nicolson) berpotensi untuk dikemba...
Lygodium circinnatum (Burm.f.) Sw. is a climbing fern (Schizaeaceae) used as a m...
Jumlah Keseluruhan Asn/ PNS dalam suatu lingkup pemerintahan daerah dengan Tingk...
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Perbanyakan Baccaurea Dulcis dengan Cara Cangkok dengan Pemberian Zat Pengatur Tumbuh
The species of B. dulcis (Jack) Muell Arg. is endemic to Sumatra, and has been cultivated locally only in Southern parts of Sumatera and very small areas in West Java. Propagation of the species, generatively or vegetatively is very rare. The aim of this research was to find out the effect ofmedia and plant growth regulator to the success of airlayering propagation of B. dulcis. The research has been conducted in Bogor area using 3 plants, which its fruit quality had been selected. Two kinds of mediua (moss and compost) and 4 treatments of plant growth regulator, i.e. Control, solid IBA, diluted IBA and Rootone F were applied. The result of the airlayering propagation of B. dulcis was relatively low, i.e. 27,5% - 40%. There was no difference between 2 media as well as 4 treatments of plant growth regulator to the result of the propagation. There was no difference also between the combination of the media and plant growth regulator to the results of airlayering propagation of B. dulcis. The factors such as genetical character of the plant species, plant condition and environmental condition were presumably very much influence the results of the propagation. Prosiding Konservasi Flora Indonesia dalam Mengatasi Dampak Pemanasan Global. Bali, 14 Juli 2009. Kebun Raya Eka Karya Bali. Hal. 227-231 ISBN 978-979-799-447-1