Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional
Hoya purpureofusca Hook.f. are found in several locations in the Situ Gunung, Mo...
"Mundu" is common name for one of the member of Clusiaceae family (manggis-mangg...
The purpose of this study was to determine the fruit and seed structure of Burah...
“Asam Kalimbawan" (S. diversifolia) is one of West Kalimantan local fruit comodi...
Pentaspadon motleyi Hook.f. atau plajau (Kalsel) merupakan jenis pohon dari suku...
INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.
Potensi dan Konservasi Plajau (Pentaspadon Motleyi Hook.F.)
Pentaspadon motleyi Hook.f. or plajau is a species of Anacardiaceae that can be used as food crop, medicinal plants, and building material. Local people harvest the plant from the wild forest without any cultivation effort. World Conservation Monitoring Centre stated that category of plajau is data deficient and can be rare. Plajau conservation efforts need to be done due to the high economic value and beneficial to human life. Warta Kebun Raya Vol.13 No.1 Hal. 37-40 ISSN-0215-5001