Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional
The most common application of superconductors is done in the form of supercondu...
Aplikasi yang paling umum dari superkonduktor dilakukan dalam bentuk kawat super...
The phenomenon of superconductivity has been long known since its first discover...
The hardness of titanium alloy influenced by several mechanism such as, solid so...
Perkembangan fabrikasi kawat superkonduktor Cu- Nb-Sn terus dikembangkan salah s...
INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.
Preliminary Observation on Macro Texture of Nb3Sn Low Temperature Superconductor (LTS)
The macro texture of Nb3Sn superconductor was observed in order to identify the tendency of crystallographic orientation of such A15 compound. The Nb3Sn samples were prepared through the powder metallurgy process with the composition of 24at%Sn-76at%Nb. The well-blended Nb-Sn powder was consolidated by means of the uni-axial compression method, while the subsequent sintering was performed at T = 700°C for t = 96 hr. The macro texture of the sintered samples was measured using D8 Advance XRD Goniometer and the corresponding results were analyzed in the form of pole figures. Preliminary results indicate that the crystallographic orientations of Nb3Sn for both green compact and sintered samples show the strong textures in {112}-pole figures. The intensity of Nb3Sn textures decreases from green compact sample to sintered sample, probably due to the mechanism of recovery – recrystallisation following the Nb-Sn inter-diffusion process during sintering. Advanced Materials Research Vol. 789. Hal. 193-197