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Pendekatan Konservasi Berdasarkan Variasi Genetika Populasi Pada Tumbuhan: Suatu...

Variasi genetika dari hasil elektroforesis isozim digunakan untuk mendeteksi keb...

Two Types of Satellites Chromosome on Nine Taxa of Salvia (Lamiaceae)

Nine species of Salvia i.e. Salvia japonica, S. lutescens, S. pygmaea, S. isensi...

Potensi Baccaurea spp. : studi kasus di Kebun Raya Bogor

The genus of Baccaurea comprise of 80 species which distributes in Asia and Paci...

Potensi Nephelium spp.: Studi Kasus di Kebun Raya Bogor

There are 22 Nephelium species widespread in Asia and 12 species of those are po...

Fungsi tuas Stamen dalam penyerbukan bunga dan potensi Salvia splendens Sellow e...

Staminodes or sterile stamen of Salvia splendens Wied Sellow ex-Neuw and S. iant...

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Analisa Kromosom dan DNA serta Diversifikasi Morfologi: Studi Kasus Pada Salvia Spp. (Lamiaceae)


Study of chromosome as well as DNA of chloroplast and nuclear DNA then compared to morphological characters done to know evolution process of Lamiaceae species member especially Salvia spp. DNA analysis of chloroplast used both region genom i.e. rbcL region and intergenic spacer region of trnL-trnF. Nuclear ribosom DNA using ITS (internal transcribe spacer) region for analysis too. Classification by Murata and Yamazaki (1993) and morphological analysis also character of internode, stem type, leaf margin type as well as leaf shape are used. Chromosome number of 23 Salvia spp are diploid 2n = 16. Informative variable characters of nuclear ribosom DNA higher than chloroplast DNA. Morphological characters are contrastly differentiated to subgenus Salvia (S. glabrescens dan S. nipponica) and subgenus Sclarea (S. plebeia). Within morphology of subgenus Allagospadonopsis also different between Serie Japonicae and Serie Appendiculatae. Combined of chloroplast and nuclear ribosom DNA of 23 species Salvia results is conducted to those. However within Serie Appendiculatae showed low bootstrap resolution and possibility still differentiated on taxonomic treatment. Evolution process of morphological characters of Salvia spp. concerned to developed fastly than genetic differentiation. This evolution occurred possibility by adaptive radiation that effect of isolated geographic condition. Prosiding Konservasi Flora Indonesia dalam Mengatasi Dampak Pemanasan Global. Bali, 14 Juli 2009. Kebun Raya Eka Karya Bali. hal. 295-302

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