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Dataset Serupa
Utilization of Micro Sisal Fibers as Reinforcement Agent and Polypropylene or Po...

Sisal (Agave sisalana) as a perennial tropical plant grows abundantly in Indones...

Characteristics of Lactic Acid Bacteria Isolated from Gastrointestinal Tract of ...

The aims of this study were to screen and characterize lactic acid bacteria (LAB...

Fiber and Chemical Characteristics of Branchwoods of Three Meranti Species

The fiber and chemical characteristics of branchwoods of three meranti species n...

Great Potential Of Microbial Isolates From Forest Ecosystem In Malianu -East Kal...

Forest ecosystem is well known as the best environments for preserving biodivers...

Assessing the potential of Ochrobactrum sp.S79 L7T03 isolate for environmental r...

Assessing the potential of Ochrobactrum sp.S79 L7T03 isolate for environmental r...

INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.

Investigation Characteristics of Pulp Fibers as Green Potential Polymer Reinforcing Agents


Three kinds of pulp fiber (i.e. kenaf, pineapple and coconut fiber)were characterized as reinforcing agents in compositematerials to be applied at automotive interior industry.Abetter understanding on characteristics of fiber will lead to enhance interface adhesion between fiber and matrices. Furthermore, it will improve the properties of polymer significantly. Chemical, surface compositions as well as morphology of pulp fiber were investigated using TAPPI standard test method, Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FT-IR) and optical microscopy, respectively. Further observation on morphology of the fiber was conducted by Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). From this study, pineapple pulps showed the highest α-cellulose content than that of kenaf or coconut pulps. However, it has the lowest hemicellulose content among them. This condition takes responsibility for the difficulties of pineapple pulps defibrillation process.Much fines or external fibrillations are presence on both kenaf and pineapple pulp’s morphology, but it is not presence in the coconut pulps.Moreover, coconut fiber is shorter than the other two fibers with diameter size estimated in the order pineapple < kenaf < coconut pulps. FT-IR analysis shown quite similar absorption fromall pulps, except for coconut pulps due to the remaining lignin on the surface of fiber that showed by the presence of C-O phenol stretching at 1280 cm-1. Finally, it is reported that kenaf pulps fiber is suitable candidate for polymer reinforcing agents compared to pineapple and coconut pulps fiber. Jurnal Sains Materi Indonesia, Vol. 13, No. 2. Hal. 90-96 ISSN 1411-1098

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