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Dataset Serupa
Studi Histologi Regenerasi Tunas Pada Inokulum Daun Kentang Hitam (Solenostemon ...

Pembuatan irisan melintang inokulum daun kentang hitam (Solenostemon rotundifoli...

Deteksi mutan kentang hitam hasil radiasi sinar gamma menggunakan marka ISSR dan...

Umbi kentang hitam [Plectranthus rotundifolius (Poir.) Spreng.] merupakan salah ...

Karakterisasi mutan kentang hitam [Plectranthus rotundifolius (Poiret) Sprengel]...

Kentang hitam (Plectranthus rotundifolius (Poir) Spreng)merupakan sumber pangan ...

Karakterisasi Mutan Kentang Hitam (Plectranthus rotundifolius (poir.) spreng.) H...

Kentang hitam (Plectranthus rotundifolius (Poir.) Spreng.) merupakan sumber pang...

Aplikasi Paklobutrazol Dan Temperature Pada Penyimpanan Umbi Kentang Hitam (Sola...

Peningkatan jumlah penduduk tentu memerlukan peningkatan ketersediaan pangan yan...

INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.

Iradiasi Sinar  Pada Biak Tunas Kentang Hitam (Solanostemon Rotundifolius) Efektif Untuk Menghasilkan Mutan


Kentang hitam is sterile and vegetatively propagated and therefore its genetic diversity is narrow. Mutation is an alternative way to increase genetic heterogeneity. Irradiation of shoot cultures with different doses followed by culturing of the inoculum (leaf, petiole and internodes) from that irradiated culture on a regeneration medium MS containing 5 mg/l BA and 0.1 mg/l NAA has resulted in curvilinear respon of growth, morphogenesis and plant regeneration. The growth variables increase from 0 to 6 Gy and then decrease to 25 and plateu or increase a little at 35 Gy and growth death wes observed at 50 Gy. Leaf and petiole inocula were more responsive than the internode. Respon of growth of shoot regeneration of 50% were obtained at doses of 10-12.5 Gy. However higher level of doses, such as 25 Gy had also been effective for inducing mutant. Morphological and growth different were observed from growth in tissue culture to the field. Mutants were recovered, for example, the one with early flowering. Jurnal Biologi Indonesia Vol. 8 No. 1. 2012. P: 167-179.

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