Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional
Bakteri fungsional tahan salin sangat penting dalam meningkatkan kualitas tanah ...
Telah dilakukan penelitian mengenai pengaruh penambahan pupuk hayati jamur terha...
Telah dilakukan percobaan pengaruh inokulasi bakteri penambat nitrogen dan Bakte...
Isolation actions have been carried out with three soil samples derived from soi...
Telah dilakukan penelitian mengenai pengujian aktifitas jamur Penicillium sp R7....
INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.
Penggunaan Bakteri Pemacu Pertumbuhan Tanaman Toleran Garam Pada Tanaman Padi Yang Ditanam Di Tanah Salin
The use of salt-tolerant plant growth promoting bacteria (nitrogent fixing bacteria and phosphate solubilizing bacteria) on growth rise cultivated in saline soil was conducted under green house experiment. The aims of the experiment is to find out the effect of nitrogent fixing bacteria and phosphate solubilizing bacteria which were tolerant to high salinity to the growth of paddy. The bacteria can be used as a biofertilizer to support coastal agriculture. The experiment was a 5x7x3 complete factorial which was comprised of 7 inoculation treatments and NaCl treatments with 3 replicates for each treatment. The pots were arranged in a green house of Microbiology Division, Research Center of Biology, Indonesian Institute of Sciences. The first factor is the level of NaCl ( 0 (control), 2. 3, 5, and 9 dS/m). second factor is inoculation treatments (P1.control without inoculation, P2. control N,P fertilizer without inoculation, P3. Azospirillum1 bacteria, P4. Azospirillum2 bacteria, P5. Azotobacter bacteria, P6. Phosphate solubilizing bacteria, P7. Mixed inoculants).The result revealed that the inoculants treatment increased the growth and yield of paddy in the all of level of NaCl compare with control without inoculants. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Biologi FMIPA UNPAD. Mei 2014. P: 514-520