Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional
Coelogyne merupakan anggrek asli Indonesia yang mempunyai ukuran bunga relatif b...
Cymbidium hartinahianum with common name anggrek Tien Soeharto or anggrek hartin...
Different storage times of Dendrobium stratiotes seeds were germinated to observ...
The history of Cymbidium hartinahianum, a terrestrial Indonesian endemic orchid ...
Garcinia picrorhiza Miq. is a member of the Clusiaceae family that has high econ...
INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.
Studi penyimpanan biji anggrek Cymbidium finlaysonianum
Preliminary study on orchid seed of Cymbidium finlaysonianum was conducted to observe the longevity of seeds stored using several techniques. Seeds were stored in a cold condition (freezer) and room temperature (envelope paper and bottle packing). Initially, four trial media cultures have been screened to test seed germination by means of in vitro culture. The result showed that seeds of C. finlaysonianum were able to germinate in 4 media i.e. Knudson C, modified Knudson C, modified Vacin & Went and modified Hyponex fertilizer. Further seed germination test, used only Knudson C medium, for more convenient observation in counting percentage of germinated seed. Orchid seed storage in freezer under temperature -18 °C was provided the best result on seed germination compared to storage in room temperature (27 °C). Keeping orchid seeds under cold condition was the best method in prolonging seed viability. Handini, Elizabeth lihat Isnaini, Yupi 2009 (081) (084) Handini, Elizabeth lihat Mursidawati, Sofi 2009 (108) (110) (111) (112) Handini, Elizabeth lihat Puspitaningtyas, Dwi Murti 2011 (136) Handini, Elizabeth lihat Rahayu, Eka M. D. 2011 (144) Prosiding Konservasi Flora Indonesia dalam Mengatasi Dampak Pemanasan Global. Bali, 14 Juli 2009. hal. 183-190