Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional
Paphiopedilum supardii merupakan spesies endemik Kalimantan. Perbanyakan biji di...
Bank biji merupakan salah satu strategi konservasi ex situ yang diaplikasikan di...
Preliminary study on orchid seed of Cymbidium finlaysonianum was conducted to ob...
The purpose of this study was to determine the fruit and seed structure of Burah...
Hutan hujan tropis Papua kaya akan keanekaragaman hayati yang tinggi baik flora ...
INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.
Uji Daya Simpan Biji Anggrek Dendrobium Stratiotes Rchb.f
Different storage times of Dendrobium stratiotes seeds were germinated to observe their longevity after the seeds were stored in a cold condition (freezer) under the temperature of -20 ºC. Four different media cultures were used to test the germination in in vitro culture. The result showed that the seeds of D. stratiotes were able to germinate in 4 different media i.e. Knudson C, modified Knudson C, modified Vacin & Went and modified Hyponex media, but the best medium was on modified Hyponex medium. The result showed that the viability seeds of Dendrobium stratiotes decreased within 3 months, and mostly no germination within 9 months. Storage seeds in low water content (10-13%) give higher result on the percentage of germination than on the higher water content (18-20%). The seeds of D. stratiotes should be sown soon after harvesting, and preserve them as seedling culture. Cryopreservation technique could be tried to extend the seed viability. Prosiding Seminar Nasional “Konservasi Tumbuhan Tropika: Kondisi Terkini dan Tantangan ke Depan” Cibodas, 7 April 2011. Hal. 60-65 ISBN 978-979-99448-6-3